
An Anthill is an entity in that allows transportation between the Overground and the Underground, serving as the entrance to the nest. Within the nest is where Brood will be kept, and Drops will be stored and utilised.


In order to use an Anthill while Overground or Underground, right click or double click the Anthill. Queens can leave the nest, but they cannot enter enemy nests. This is because of how nests can be claimed by a team. For more information about this, see Claiming.


As a colony grows larger, the Anthill grows to reflect this based on how many Ants have been born in the colony. It is currently unknown how many stages an Anthill has, however it does possess a limit.

Brand new Anthills resemble holes in the ground, and are easily hidden beneath foliage. However as the stages progress and the mound becomes visibly larger, it will become harder and harder to hide. This makes it easier to detect enemy colonies after they have grown past a certain point.


Anthills will not cause collisions and cannot be moved in anyway. Additionally, Anthills will not decay. To create an Anthill, an Alate must right click or double click the ground while Overground. The Anthill will always start as a small one, and a 'below' Anthill will be automatically generated. When generated, tiles in the Underground directly beneath the Anthill will be automatically cleared to make space.


  • It was originally thought by some players that digging Dirt and placing it Overground outside your nest would cause the Anthill to grow. This is not so.
  • There is a way to put an anthill inside an anthill, and that can only be done in Sandbox. Try it out and see what happens!